International Silken Windhound Society

Lease Notification

Talismans Scythian Huntress

As provided by the ISWS Rules and Regulations, the recorded owner(s) of the dam at time of breeding may designate another person(s) to be the breeder of a specified litter.This is the form that you need to fill out to lease a bitch to a different breeder for a specified amount of time, without actually changing ownership.

The Breeder must complete this form to report the lease of a bitch for breeding.

Springlanes Blue Iris
Springlanes Blue Iris

The person(s) assigned as the designated breeder(s), herein referred to as lessee/co-lessee, must sign his/her name on the ISWS litter registration application for litters whelped out of this Dam during the designated term.

Once accepted, this application shall be the document of record. The ISWS reserves the right to cancel for cause the registration of this dog and/or its descendants.