If it’s easier to remember, all sign up forms are sent to Ashley Cirimeli (RezanceBorzoi@gmail.com), while the full holter reports and info sharing agreement are sent to Danielle Snyder Steenkamp, DVM (SataraBorzoi@gmail.com).

Submit Your Results

Do not restrict exercise! It is important to see how the heart performs under stress and at rest.
Wiping the shave spot with alcohol may help the electrodes adhere better — make sure the area is dry before applying the electrodes.
Alcohol and oils can also be used to help remove the electrodes when the recording is done.
If your dog is a chewer, please use a muzzle to protect the equipment. You can also have the dog wear a t-shirt or thunder shirt over the vest to help prevent chewing cables, the vest, etc.
Set a timer/alarm for 24 hours! The time noted on the device may be off.
This is not a one and done test! This is simply a 24 hour snapshot. Ideally, dogs should be retested several times throughout their life to get a more accurate picture of the electrical health of their heart.
Helpful Links
Silken Windhound holter support Facebook group
Danielle’s videos (uses older stickies – the new ones can’t be cut down)