Parent clubs are the national organizations that oversee the welfare of their breed. National clubs depend on the contributions of their members to benefit the breed. We would love to have members who have found the Silken Windhounds and want to be part of their future.
Apply for Membership in the ISWS
Just fill out the form below and push the SUBMIT button to send it in automatically to the ISWS. We will handle the rest. Or you may download a .pdf fillable version of the application by clicking the button at the bottom of this page, and process your application on your own machine. Either way, it is easy to pay through PayPal .

International Silken Windhound Association Membership Application
By clicking Submit above, a copy of your application will be sent to both yourself at the email on the application, and to the Corresponding Secretary, who will present it soon to the ISWS Membership. To correspond with her, use this address: ISWSCorrespondingSecretary@gmail.com