Straight Racing
Silken Windhound racing originated with ISWS-administered straight and oval racing programs that followed the rules of the national racing associations in which we now participate.
In 2005, ISWS implemented a straight racing program for Silkens based on the rules of the Large Gazehound Racing Association (LGRA). Many LGRA clubs around the nation would host an ISWS meet in conjunction with their LGRA meet. Silken Windhounds were granted provisional status by LGRA in 2012, then in 2013 gained full recognition. They may now compete without restriction in LGRA events.
Those Silkens that have earned points in ISWS racing may complete those titles by turning in race meet records to the appropriate ISWS officials, but no new ISWS titles will be awarded to those who did not earn points before January 2012.
LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Association) information can be found at