International Silken Windhound Society

Litter DNA test kit order form

Use this form to request a DNA Parentage Verification Test Kit for a a litter of 4 or more puppies. If you want to DNA test a smaller litter you will need to test them individually. Go to this page.
You might have to click on your country flag

The next page you will fill in the information for each separate puppy from the litter. Click on Next to proceed.
If you have more than 12 puppies from this litter to DNA test, please note it in the comment section at the end and we will help you get additional forms.

you need to pay via PayPal at
Please forward the correct amount via PayPal to ~~ Be sure to list in the comment section what the money is for.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Feel free to add information that you think might be important, or make suggestions on this form.