The Silken Windhound Timeline

After a long search for a second breed, Francie Stull finds there is no breed that meets her qualifications. Through her magazine, The Sighthound, she finds a multi-generational line of lurchers that piques her interest.
After finding the lurchers to be cute, they were still lacking major traits and structural soundness that would be needed for a new breed, and Francie Stull begins plans to cross in specimens of her top award winning Borzois and judicious rare outcrosses to Whippets.
First Generation Silken Windhound litter whelped (Kristull “D” litter).
The first Silken Windhound leaves Kristull Ranch for a new home.

Breed name officially becomes Silken Windhound.
The Silken Windhound Yahoo Groups list is formed;
After a six-month quarantine period in Germany, the first Silken Windhound was exported to Sweden (from the US);
First Silken Windhound exported to Finland (from the US);
First gathering of Silken Windhound enthusiasts was held along with the first SilkenFest exhibition of the breed
The International Silken Windhound Society (ISWS) is formed and chartered;
The Silken Windhound standard is officially approved by the ISWS;
The ISWS web site is created.
The Silken Windhound stud book is closed by the ISWS;
ISWS initiates parental verification DNA testing for all breeding stock;
First Silken Windhound exported to Canada (from the US);
First Silken Windhound exported to Germany (from the US).

First Silken Windhound exported to Slovenia (from Germany);
First European litter whelped in Sweden;
The Finnish Silken Windhound Club is formed.;First Silken Windhound advertisement appears in U.S. magazine (Borzoi International);
First Silken Windhound advertisement published in a Swedish magazine.
The first SilkenFest was held in Finland;
First Silken Windhound exported to Germany (from Sweden);
Finnish Kennel Club is the first FCI club to agree that Silken Windhounds are a breed, but does not fully recognize.
First Silken Windhound litter born in Finland;

Silken Windhounds begin participation in two university health studies;
A European Silken Windhound appears in an ad in a leading European Borzoi magazine
First Silken Windhound exported to Jordan (from the US);
Silken Windhounds admitted to the Rarities Kennel Club;
First Silken Windhound earns Rarities championship;
BooFest, the first Western Regional Specialty, is held in Northern California.
Swedish Kennel Club (FCI member) agrees that the Silken Windhound is a breed, but does not recognize them;
Slovenian Kennel Club (FCI member) recognizes the Silken Windhound as a breed;
First advertisement in American all-breed magazine (Dog World);
First Silken Windhound exported to the Bahamas;
First Silken Windhound exported to the Netherlands;
First Silken Windhound exported to South Africa;
First Silken Windhound exported to Switzerland (from Slovenia);
Silken Windhounds begin participation in genome study at UC Davis’ Veterinary Genetics Laboratory;
DNA proves the existence of a herding breed in the distant background of the breed;
Silken Windhounds appear on the cover and in an article in a prestigious U.S. scientific journal;
First Silken Windhound completes the requirements for an ISWS Championship in the US;
First Silken Windhound completes the requirements for an ISWS Championship in Europe;
First Silken Windhound earns Rarities Grand Championship.

Silken Windhound recognized by IABCA (International All-Breed Canine Association) and first Silken Windhound completes requirements for IABCA Championship (UCICB);
First Silken Windhound achieves Slovenian Championship title;
First Silken Windhound earns a European Sighthound event competition award for Beauty and Performance;
Two Silken Windhounds moved to Italy from Switzerland with their owners. These are the first Silken Windhounds in Italy;
First Silken Windhound exported to the United Kingdom (from Sweden);
Formation of the Swedish Silken Windhound Club;
ISWS Straight Racing Program (ISWRA) started and first meet held in conjunction with the Borzoi Rescue-Northern California LGRA club;
First ISWS SRC racing title awarded;
First Silken Windhounds exported to Japan (from the US);
First ISWS National race meet held at SilkenFest;
First ISWS Dual Championship awarded;
First European ISWS Specialty with both European-bred Winners Dog and Bitch;
First Silken Windhound litter in the UK born;
First Silken Windhound exported to the United Arab Emirates (from Finland);
Silken Windhounds’ first appearance in an article in a U.S. performance Sighthound magazine;
ISWS Silken Windhound ad appears in a U.S. all-breed children’s’ magazine;
First full color Silken Windhound article in a leading Dutch dog magazine;

First Silken Windhound litter born in Canada;
First Silken Windhound exported to Norway (from Sweden);
First Silken Windhound exported to Austria (from Sweden);
First Silken Windhounds exported to New Zealand (from the US);
ISWS Lure Coursing program started;
First Silken Windhound Magazine is published.
First German ISWS-sanctioned specialty show held in Hoope, Germany;
First Silken Windhound wins the title ISWS Grand Champion;
First Silken Windhound litter born in New Zealand;
First Silken Windhound litter born in Japan;
Silken Windhounds celebrate ten years in Finland and Germany;
First Silken Windhound Lure Coursing Championship awarded;
ISWS Oval Racing Program established and first oval track meet held in Elk Grove, CA in conjunction with a River Cities Racing Association NOTRA meet.

ISWS, the International Silken Windhound Society, celebrates its tenth anniversary;
Silken Windhounds celebrate ten years in Sweden;
SilkenFest celebrates its tenth anniversary;
First Silken Windhounds are exported to Mexico (from Japan);
First Silken Windhound litter born in Germany;
First Silken Windhound awarded a Flyball Champion title;
Silken Windhounds recognized by KCJ, Kennel Club Japan (not associated with FCI) and first Silken Windhound awarded a Japanese Champion title;
First Silken Windhound awarded SRCXII, III and IV titles in ISWS Straight Racing;
Silken Windhound wins Best in Field and the Christmas Cup at an NLCC meet in GA.
Silken Windhounds become eligible to compete in ASFA in the Limited Stake
First Silken Windhound exported to France from Germany.
Silken Windhounds become eligible to compete in NOFCA hunts.
Silken Windhounds eligible to compete in ASFA as a Limited breed
Silken Windhounds participate in FCI Euro Dog Show 2010, in Slovenia
Silken Windhounds recognized in Germany by German Dog Club e.V (not associated with FCI)
The Hungarian Kennel Club decides to let Silken Windhounds be shown at their shows to take Hungarian champion titles, but do not recognize the breed

First Silken Windhound litter born in Austria
First Silken Windhound exported to Slovakia (from Austria)
First Silken Windhound exported to Czhech Republic (from Germany)
First Silken Windhound exported to Hungary (from Slovenia)
Silken Windhounds recognized by UKC (United Kennel Club), March 18
First Silken Windhound to earn a Canine Nosework One title (6/4/2011)
First UKC Championship awarded to a Silken Windhound (July)
First European bred Silken Windhound achieves ISWS Field Champion (Finland)
First Silken Windhound to earn a Flyball Dog Championship Gold title (10/2011)
First Silken Windhound to be awarded the title of UKC Grand Champion (10/2011)
First Silken Windhound to earn a Canine Nosework Two title (12/3/2011)
Silken Windhounds accepted as a Provisional breed in ASFA
Silken Windhounds accepted as a Provisional breed in LGRA
Slovakian Kennel Club allows Silken Windhounds to be shown and get Slovakian champion titles, but do not recognize the breed
First Slovakian Champion

First Silken Windhound sent to Serbia
Silken Windhounds receive fully recognized status from LGRA
UKC registered Silken Windhounds will be able to enter NOTRA oval track race meets as a provisional breed.
First Silken to earn a NOTRA racing championship (ORC)
First Silken Windhound sent to Croatia
At the ASFA ACoD it was voted to fully accept the Silken Windhound into ASFA (March 22, 2014)
April 1, 2014: Silken Windhounds gain full recognition to ASFA
First Silken Windhound exported to Denmark, (from Norway)
First Silken Windhound litter born in Norway

First Silken Windhound litter born in Hungary
First Silken to earn a weight pull title (UWP), 5/5/2017
First Silken Windhound exported to Poland
First Silken Windhound exported to Romania
First Silken Windhound exported to Belgium