Parental DNA Testing
We recommend you use the online forms above but if, for whatever reason, you need a file you can download and fill out and return (either via email or post) that can be found below.
Every Silken must be DNA-tested prior to breeding. If the breeder disregards this DNA testing requirement the ISWS Registrar will not enter any of the offspring into the ISWS Registry until the breeder complies with this regulation.

DNA testing for ISWS is done through UC Davis’ Veterinary Genetics Lab (VGL). When you fill in the form linked below and send it to the Registrar along with payment, the Registrar will produce a second form that actually gets sent to the VGL lab. If you already have swabs, this second form can be attached to an email. If you need swabs, then it can be sent with the swabs in an envelope.
Swab the dog. The swabs and form are then sent back to VGL where they will be processed (address is on the form).

Buccal (cheek) swabs are submitted to the lab and DNA is extracted from the acquired sample. A computer program then compares the DNA profile to that of the parents listed on the form and a parentage analyst reviews the results and produces a final report. If a listed parent or parents are excluded, then an additional analysis is performed which may include the use of additional DNA markers.
Once the parentage is confirmed, the results are sent back to the ISWS Registrar and they will uploaded to our database, and then they will be forwarded on to you as an attachment to an email that you can print out for your own records.
The fee for testing an individual dog is $42 payable via PayPal. You may also test a litter (minimum of 4 puppies) at a reduced cost per each individual pup. Kits may be ordered from the Registrar. The required form may be filled out here on line and submitted automatically for an individual dog. Or use this form to order DNA test kits for a litter.